Is it possible to add more than one horizontal menu html onto the same page?

Q: Is it possible to have 2 CSS3Menus on the same page, but in different styles?
I have added 2 different menus to the same page. The problem is that the top nav bar follows the style of the lower nav bar. It should be the same as the rest of the pages on the site. Please help.
Thank you in advance for your reply!

A: Yes, it's possible.

Each CSS3Menu should have unique ID in html code, for example:

<ul id="css3menu1" class="topmenu">
<ul id="css3menu2" class="topmenu">

and in generated .css files, for example:

ul#css3menu1,ul#css3menu1 ul{
ul#css3menu2,ul#css3menu2 ul{

You can use "Insert to page" wizard to insert several menus. All IDs and folders will be generated automatically in this case.


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