1) You should create your menu and publish it on a local drive in any test folder.
2) Open index.html file from the saved folder in any text editor or you can:
- open index.html page in any browser
- right click on the page
- select 'view source' of the page.
You'll find folder with images and style.css file in this saved folder also.
3) Copy code for the HEAD section and paste it inside the HEAD/BODY section of you own webpage, for example:
<!-- Start css3menu.com HEAD section -->
<link rel="stylesheet" href=index_files/style.css" type="text/css" />
<!-- End css3menu.com HEAD section -->
4) Copy code for the BODY section and paste it inside the BODY section of you own web page in the place where you want to have a menu,
for example:
<!-- Start css3menu.com BODY section -->
<ul id="css3menu" class="topmenu">
<-- End css3menu.com BODY section -->
5) Now you have your page and folder with all images and style.css file.
6) You should upload them on your server.
That's all.
CSS3 Menu
For troubleshooting, feature requests, and general help,
contact Customer Support at . Make sure to
include details on your browser, operating system,
CSS3 Menu version, link to your page.
In most cases you'll get a reply within 1 business day. Please read the FAQs first to see if your question has already been answered.
Hi there. I've had to switch my menu from Spry and wondered if you guys have examples of vertical menus.
Hi, I'm going to order the menu. It looks pretty good. I wonder what will happen with my menus when the one your is over? Thanks
I am a licensed user of CSS3 Menu version 4.5. I am using a PC and Windows7 and MS Internet Explorer. I am using your drop-down menu with a lot of submenu items ("mega-menu").
Hello I use your software regularly to make simple web sites. Do you think a develop an accordion menu with sections to put text with opportunities to put links and pictures.
Good morning! I do not like your software. I want refund.
Dear Css3menu Support I've now inserted the coding onto a blank page.... It still doesn't work correctly... why??
Hello, I am very interested in this application, is this a once off payment or for a yearly subscription? Any insight would be most appreciated
Is it possible to create a menu for the footer which wold allow the sub menu items to appear above the main menu items?
Hi, Could you give me some guidance about the menu usage? How can I reduce the spacing (padding) between submenu items? Thanks
Hi, I've downloaded your free version of the app. to test. Looks nice. Can it be installed into iPad 7.0? Thanks.
Does your menu creation program support both horizontal and vertical menus - using the same menu style?
I have created the CSS3 menu I have begun installing the css3 Menu on my site; however, I suspect I am installing the free version. What am I doing wrong? Where do I go from here?
When you mouse over a menu item that has a submenu the submenu stays displayed until you select another....any ideas? Using chrome on my ipad and safari both do the same thing. Works fine on my computer but not the ipad.
On my site I have a menu across the top. The first three menu items all have drop down menus. When I move the mouse from one link to another, the submenu of the second menu item does not show up.
I just bough the business license version of CSS3 Menu and have a question. My issue is that the menu won't overflow over the flash on the main page. Any suggestions? I'm using Dreamweaver CS4 and testing in firefox.