Hello, I have just installed a version of application for Windows. But as soon as I open the program, I get the message from Windows that CSS3Menu doesn't work.
Where can I find the embed icons in the code? I can't find it in .css file. Please, help.
I just did a test install of css3menu using one of vertical menu templates. It looks and works okay in a browser. However, in Expression Web' Design View, all the sub-menus are staying fully expanded.
How can a submenu be equal to the width of a main menu section? I can only get it to be the width of the longest word in the group.
Hi, You have a great product! I am planning to buy your Unlimited Websites product but I have a MAC and a PC. Can the same license work for both? If not, how much would the cost be?
I use the Fair template. How can I reduce the height of the navbars that are generated? I need the menu to be less tall
Why am I getting renewal notices that state I am expiring this month. Think your system is a bit confusing, and not sure if I will fall for the renewal next year. thought I bought a lifetime license for what I had.
Can sound be included when clicking on a menu item?
I used your product and gotta say its great. One question though... how do you center the horizontal menu?