When I publish simple css drop down menu, I only get an empty HTML file. Why?

Q: I've just tried to add a new entry to our project file but when I publish it now, I only get an empty HTML file with none of the CSS3Menu code in, or any of my menu data.

The only thing I've changed recently is upgrading Firefox from 14.1 (I think) to 15. I can't see how upgrading the browser would affect the code generation, but it's the only thing I can think of.

I've attached the project and the resulting HTML file that is being generated. Hope they're of use.

A: Possible, you use incorrect symbols in "link" field (for example, "\"). In this case, you should manually change them.
This bug will be fixed in the next version.

If problem will be persist, please, send us you project file (.css3prj), so we can check it.


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